


Join us for a fun-filled celebration as we host International Education Week at Butte College main campus November 13 – 16 at the main campus, 巴特校园路3536号, 奥罗维尔. 这一周包括演讲、活动、研讨会、食物等等. International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. 这一由美国发起的联合倡议.S. 美国国务院和美国.S. Department of Education is part of our efforts to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, 学习, 交流经验.

皇冠新现金网周欢迎 - 10 a.m. -卓越中心 at the main campus, 巴特校园路3536号. 皇冠新现金网院长/校长,博士. Samia Yaqub will kick off International Education Week with a warm welcome in the Center for Excellence.

Exploring the History of Chinese Characters and a Taste of Chinese Culture - 10:15 a.m. -卓越中心-You’ll 学习 about Chinese characters’ Revolution; Chinese calligraphy and paper cutting; Chinese games to 学习 and play; and more about Chinese culture. The presenters will answer questions and conduct discussions regarding Chinese culture. 除了, the presenters will provide an opportunity for the campus community to 学习 more about modern China, the most populated country in the world with the fastest developing economy. Facilitated by Butte College Instructors: Dakuan Sun and Jiayu Yang.

语言的介绍 -西班牙语-下午12:30.m. ——文化 & 社区中心(Swing Space F)位于主校区. Join us for this informative introduction into the Spanish language. 参与者将学习基本的短语和语言结构. Facilitated by Butte College Instructors Maria Shahid, Roberto Mazariegos and Gema Haraughty.

国际学生小组 - 1:30 p.m. ——文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). Learn from some of our outstanding Butte College international students who will share stories of their journey to Butte College, 适应Chico的生活, 以及美国的教育体系. A short question and answer opportunity will take place at the end of the panel discussion.

墨西哥摇摇欲坠的民主转型 - 2 p.m.-卓越中心 - Join us for a discussion about 墨西哥摇摇欲坠的民主转型 facilitated by the Chair of CSU, 奇科的历史系, 史蒂夫•刘易斯, 和皇冠新现金网历史讲师, 克里斯汀Trolinger.

语言介绍-德语 - 2:30 p.m. ——文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). 享受半小时的德语介绍. 参与者将学习基本的短语和语言结构. 由教练Cameron Mortimer指导.

周二,11月. 14

语言介绍——苗族语 - 10 a.m. ——文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). 加入我们这半小时的苗语介绍. 参与者将学习基本的短语和语言结构. 由教练Maisue Thao指导.

8,000 Miles to Comfort: Navigating the Path to Global Citizenship - 10:30 a.m.-卓越中心. Come and 学习 Angela Zivo Gapa’s personal journey to obtain an international education, and how getting out her comfort zone both geographically and intellectually helped her embark on an international career and become a global citizen.

提升和平:互动海报环节 - 12:30 p.m -主校区的校园中心休息室. 体验学生的平和心理与平和 & Global Studies class presenting posters that describe obstacles to peace on personal, local and global levels while also addressing solutions to raise awareness.

2017年参议员保罗·西蒙奖总统评委会 - 1 p.m - Live webcast discussion featuring leaders from Simon Award-winning institutions discussing their successes in campus internationalization. 点击此链接观看网络直播:  http://www.nafsa.org/About_Us/About_NAFSA/Awards/Simon_Award/NAFSA_Senator_Paul_Simon_Campus_Internationalization_Presidential_Panel_Webcast/

国际学生小组 - 1 p.m. ——文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). Learn from some of our outstanding Butte College international students who will share stories of their journey to Butte College, 适应Chico的生活, 以及美国的教育体系. A short question and answer opportunity will take place at the end of the panel discussions.

语言介绍-尼泊尔语 - 2 p.m. ——文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). Join us for this half hour introduction into the Nepali language from Butte College Instructor, 桑杰Dev. 参与者将学习基本的短语和语言结构.

周三,11月. 15

亚洲学生协会资料表 -校园中心休息室-早上9点.m. 在ASA餐桌旁驻足,探索菲律宾等文化, 日本, 巴厘岛, 苗族, 通过文化项目和信息展示. 还将提供国际甜点样品! 由毕特书院亚洲学生社团协助.

太极拳简介 - 9:30 a.m. -卓越中心(毗邻图书馆). Tai Chi was developed as an internal Chinese martial art that focuses on improving the internal health of an individual. Tai Chi centers your mind, relaxes your body, and allows your energy to flow like a river. Bring together the best of this meditative form of exercise to help you find an inner peace and a calm within your body. 由阿扎德武术学院的大卫·甘特协助

语言的介绍 -美国手语- 10小时.m. ——文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). Enjoy a half hour introduction into American Sign Language (ASL) presented by Skylar Darrow.

欧洲难民危机及欧盟应对措施 - 11 a.m. – Center for Excellence - Political Science Department Professor from CSU Chico Jennifer Wilking will discuss what she and her students 学习ed while participating in a faculty-led course in the Czech Republic, 2017年夏天. 威尔金将研究难民的定义和看法, 欧盟应对危机的范围和有效性, and the reception to those responses of Eastern European countries, 包括捷克共和国.

语言介绍-意大利语 - 11:30 a.m. ——文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). Join us for this half hour introduction into the Italian language. 参与者将学习基本的短语和语言结构. 由Danielle Dipietro-Hawkins协助.

E-Learning Seminar: Success Strategies for International Education Leaders -中午-在线直播研讨会. Online seminar providing participants with concrete tools and strategies to demonstrate the vital role of international education on campus and in the community. 点击此链接观看在线研讨会: http://www.nafsa.org/Professional_Resources/Learning_and_Training/e Learning_Seminars/Demonstrating_Value__Success_Strategies_for_International_Education_Leaders/

语言介绍-日语 -中午-文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). Don’t miss this half hour introduction into the 日本ese language. 参与者将学习基本的短语和语言结构. 由Tomoko Lance协助.

语言介绍-旁遮普语和印地语 - 12:30 p.m. ——文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). 欣赏旁遮普语和印地语的简短介绍. 参与者将学习基本的短语和语言结构. 由Ripandeep Aulakh协助.

语言介绍-西班牙语 - 1:15 p.m.——文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). 加入我们这半小时的西班牙语介绍. 参与者将学习基本的短语和语言结构. 由阿娜莉亚·马丁内斯促成.

星期四,11月. 16

科罗拉多州立大学海外留学说明会 - 10:30 a.m. -卓越中心(毗邻图书馆). Come find out how you can study in 35 countries around the world while completing coursework in your major, 小, 通识教育途径和使用你的经济援助, 学校贷款, 还有奖学金来资助你的旅行. 布列塔尼·科雷尔和杰森·克劳协助.

语言的介绍 -阿拉伯语-正午-文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). 加入我们这半小时的阿拉伯语介绍. 参与者将学习基本的短语和语言结构. 由Mariam Chatila协助.

提升和平:互动海报环节 - 12:30 p.m. -校园中心酒廊. 来自和平心理学/和平的学生 & Global Studies present posters that describe obstacles to peace on personal, local and global levels while also addressing solutions to raise awareness on these issues.

语言介绍-普通话 - 1 p.m. ——文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). 体验半小时的普通话入门. 参与者将学习基本的短语和语言结构. 由Melana Cavenecia和Ling Chen协助

支持海地 - 2 p.m. ——文化 & 社区中心-(摇摆空间F). 加入海地国际学生, 米肖·让·克里斯洛特, 观看一段关于如何支持海地的短片和介绍. 由皇冠新现金网学生米肖·让·克里斯洛特协助.

在上学的路上:电影 - 6 p.m. - Chico Center - 2321 Forest Avenue, Chico - AS Chico Center Lounge (Rm 146). 体验2014年凯撒奖最佳纪录片, 《皇冠新现金网》,” which interweaves the stories of four children from around the world who desire to 学习 and better their lives through education. 孩子们生活在相隔数千英里的非洲, 南美, 和印度,但对知识有着同样的渴望. 他们明白上学, 每一天, 是他们光明未来的唯一希望吗, 为了他们自己和他们的家人. 接下来会有一个小的讨论. 将提供茶点. 由Rachel Wood和Mariam Chatila协助.

This event is organized by the Global Education and Outreach Taskforce at Butte College. 查看和下载完整的时间表 www.孤峰.edu/geo.


Butte College | 巴特校园路3536号, 奥罗维尔 CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511
