2022-23 Unit Plan
Child Development and Family Relations

Mission Statement

Education: The Child Development (CD), ECE, 和家庭研究课程侧重于深入的基础知识, 技能, and dispositions that prepare students to gain the workforce competencies needed for various careers within the profession. The programs offer students the opportunity to complete general education requirements and coursework for transfer to a four-year university degree.

Early Childhood Education and Child Development: The CD, ECE, 和家庭研究课程侧重于深入的基础知识, 技能, and dispositions that prepare students to gain the workforce competencies needed for various careers within the profession. The programs offer students the opportunity to complete general education requirements and coursework for transfer to a four-year university degree.

Program 描述

The Butte College CDF discipline, which includes CD, ECE, 小学教师教育(ECFS)设在家庭和社区服务部. ECFS is a thriving program with many and varied options for students to acquire competency in promoting child development and learning; building family and community relationships; implementing program and child assessment systems; and teaching and learning in a diverse society, elementary education, and professional development. The program is complemented by the Child Development Center, which serves as a model laboratory for students in ECE, CD, and other disciplines: Social & Behavioral Sciences, Nursing, Paramedic, Food & Nutrition, Drama and Elementary Teacher Education. ECFS为学生提供完成以下课程的机会:通识教育, AS in ECE degree, CD Transfer degree, 欧洲经委会AS-T, AA-T Elementary Education, Para-Professional Certificate, ECE Certificate, Certificate of Achievement in ECE, Certificate in Child and Family Studies, 或者是社交 & Behavioral Sciences degree. The department offers several ECE courses in a Spanish cohort model that supports California's need for Spanish-speaking early childhood educators.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

In Spring of 2021, CDF 80 's SLO's were evaluated. The following were the findings:

调查结果-该部门意识到在大流行期间对学生进行感染控制教育的重要性. As a result of this SLO evaluation, the department will be requiring the students to complete the following online learning modules before starting their lab hours: a) Integrated Germ Management; b) Guidance for Caring for Children During a Pandemic.

Strategies - The lab instructors, CDC Director and off-campus mentor teachers will discuss the student's competencies in the areas of hand-washing, classroom disinfecting, supporting children to help them learn good health and safety practices and how to complete a health screening with children before entering the classroom.

The CDF (ECFS) department has undergone a re-evaluation and re-tracking of current student learning outcomes for 2021-2025. 所有CDF课程及其SLO都被放置在Excel矩阵网格中. Every course and every SLO will be evaluated by Fall of 2025.


CDF 12 -儿童、家庭和社区- SLO 1 -评估教育、政治的影响. and socioeconomic factors on children and families.

CDF 14 - Child Growth and Development - SLO 1 - Describe major developmental milestones of children from conception through adolescence in the areas of physical, 认知, 社会和情感发展使用标准的研究方法.

CDF 18 - Children with Special Needs - SLO 1 - Understand the history of special education and legislation and their impact on advocacy for children with varying abilities and effective practices in early childhood special education.



2020 Student Achievement Standards:

  1. Total student headcount for CDF courses - 1,784
  2. CDF 12 -儿童/家庭/社区- 85%保留率,76%成功率
  3. CDF 14 -儿童成长/发展- 86%保留率,70%成功率
  4. CDF 18 -特殊需要儿童- 86%的保留率,77%的成功率
  5. CDF 30 -成人监督/辅导- 100%保留率,82%成功率
  6. CDF 40 -观察/评估- 100%保留率,92%成功率
  7. CDF 44 -指导儿童行为-保留率88%,成功率64%
  8. CDF 48 -幼儿教学-保留率88%,成功率60%
  9. CDF 56 -产前/婴儿/幼儿发展- 85%保留率,74%成功率
  10. CDF 57 -多元社会教学- 95%保留率,86%成功率
  11. CDF 63 -欧洲经委会课程简介- 95%的保留率,88%的成功率
  12. CDF 65 -婴幼儿课程- 95%保留率,86%成功率
  13. CDF 78 - ECE Practicum - 100% retention rate, 100% success rate
  14. CDF 80 -健康,安全和营养- 87%保留率,74%成功率
  15. CDF 84 -行政I课程在ECE - 92%的保留率,85%的成功率
  16. CDF 85 -行政二级人事/领导-保留率89%,成功率74%
  17. CDF 88 -环境评定量表- 90%保留率,70%成功率
  18. CDF 91 -育儿在当今社会- 100%的保留率,58%的成功率
  19. CDF 93 -巩固家庭- 94%的保留率,67%的成功率

整体, with the current public health crisis, 学生和教师受到COVID - 19的打击,保留率和成功率受到影响. 当COVID危机过去时,我们相信留存率和成功率将会提高.


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)


Strategic Direction

Strategic Direction includes the following:

  1. Enhancing a culture of Completion and Goal Achievement - the department supports progress completion and certificate/degree attainment by offering a wide variety of course offerings in different physical locations and online.
  2. Supporting Student/Faculty/Staff Success - encouraging collaboration and communication within the newly formed FCS Department is providing successful by report from faculty and staff.


Program Review

The last Program Review for CDF was completed in 2018-2019. The recommendations still needing to be addressed are:

  1. NAEYC认证- NAEYC认证于2021年秋季获得.
  2. 新的CDF最先进的设施-由于COVID导致的注册问题, construction of a new CDF facilty has been placed on hold.

Department Goals


  1. Continue to work on enrollment, retention and success numbers.
  2. Complete ECE西班牙 Program for implementation in Fall of 2022.
  3. Continue to pursue a new CDF facilty. 
  4. 继续加强新部门的包容性和凝聚力.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - ECE西班牙 Program

西班牙幼儿教育(ECE)项目自2008年1月开始为西班牙裔学生提供服务. This program provides the necessary Early Childhood Education (ECE) courses for students to earn a 24 Unit Certificate of Achievement and be hired as teacher assistants, associate teachers, and teachers in public and private child care programs. 参加这个项目的学生有很高的课程完成率, high percentage of class attendance, and tend to be hired in Butte, Glenn and adjacent counties. 

In Fall of 2021, the Program Review and Research approval occurred, and work on a complete ECE西班牙 Program, with dedicated faculty support, 已经开始. 目标是在2023年春季或秋季之前完全整合欧洲经委会西班牙语课程.


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

1.     鉴于皇冠新现金网的西班牙裔服务机构(HIS)的地位, the validation team recommends that ECFS secure ongoing funding to support the Early Childhood Education in Spanish program in avenues such as the creation of Open Educational materials in Spanish, program coordination, case management functions, and a bilingual web site.  We recommend that ECFS continue to partner with campus resources and to advocate for Spanish-speaking staff and incorporate bilingual signage across campus but especially in student support services. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes
Supports Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No

Strategy 2 - Technology Replacement

There are two faculty members in the department have computers that are over six years old therefore needing to be replaced.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

The replacement of computers and/or laptops that are six or more years old is part of technology department goal.  因此,要求向该部门提供资金,用于今后的替换工作. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No

Strategy 3 - ECE Mentorship Program

The statewide California Early Childhood Mentor Program has provided a framework and funding source to 104 community college for thirty plus years.   The purpose of the program is to provide quality community placements for students completing their required field experience hours with select mentor teachers, 通过安排学生参加不同的项目,建立多样化的劳动力队伍, 并鼓励早期教育工作者在指导中获得领导机会, 培训, 促进, 倡导和社区合作,通过津贴进行补偿.

The Education, 儿童与家庭研究系每学期为95至145名学生安排实验室.  大多数学生在皇冠新现金网儿童发展中心完成他们的实验室实习.  然而,平均而言,我们将10-27名学生安置在社区中,并选择导师教师. 

The Butte College Child Development Center cannot support all early childhood/child development students enrolled in lecture/lab courses without funding for the mentor program. 学生在校外教室的安置对证书和学位完成率至关重要. 

 在2021-2022年,欧洲经委会指导计划的津贴由夏伯特学院资助. We would like this stipend to be institutionalized.


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

The Education, Child and Families Studies department is requesting continued funding as we transition from a state-wide program to a local and/or regional mentor teacher program.  这个项目的资金分为三类支出he faculty coordinator, mentor teacher stipends and materials. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes
Supports Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Course level SLOs: Yes
Supports PLOs: Yes
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: Yes

Strategy 4 - Full-Time ECE Faculty Hire

During the past academic year the department has struggled in locating qualified faculty to teach on behalf of Early Childhood Education/Child Development.  在2021年的春季和秋季,四名f/t教官中有三名超负荷.  除了, 一名全职教师宣布将于2022年春季学期结束时退休.  

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

If the goal to grow the programs in the department i.e. Elementary Teacher Education, Liberal Studies, ECE西班牙, and/or ECE/CD we need another F/T faculty member to support the additonal course and to replace the full-time faculty member.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes
Supports Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Course level SLOs: Yes
Supports PLOs: Yes
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources

在2021-2022年,该部门获得了来自加州ECE导师计划的外部资金.  These funds are managed at Chabot College and pay stipends to the educators for mentoring Butte College students enrolled in lab courses.


Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area 资源类型 Account Number 目标代码 One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
描述 Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Education, Child and Family Studies Operating Expenses 11.000.520.1.130500 51490 $11,000.00 $11,000.00
ECE西班牙 Program 鉴于巴特Collegeï西班牙裔服务机构(HIS)的地位, the validation team recommends that ECFS secure ongoing funding to support the Early Childhood Education in Spanish program in avenues such as the creation of Open Educational materials in Spanish, program coordination, case management functions, and a bilingual web site. We recommend that ECFS continue to partner with campus resources and to advocate for Spanish-speaking staff and incorporate bilingual signage across campus but especially in student support services.
  • Strong Workforce
  • Addressing shortfalls in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Implementing the college's Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Meeting California Community Colleges Vision for Success Goals
  • Addressing Program Review Recommendations
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
2 Education, Child and Family Studies 人员 11.000.520.1.130500 51490 $0.00 $25,000.00
Support Mentor Program California Early Childhood Mentor Program has provided a framework and funding source to 104 community college for thirty plus years. The purpose of the program was to provide quality community placements for students completing their required field experience hours with select mentor teachers, 通过安排学生参加不同的项目,建立多样化的劳动力队伍, 并鼓励早期教育工作者在指导中获得领导机会, 培训, 促进, 倡导和社区合作,通过津贴进行补偿. To continue to sustain the number of CDF lecture/lab courses we need to have off-campus (community) lab placement sites because the Butte College Child Development is not designed to serve more than 70 students per semester. Mentor Teacher Stipends $15,000 Director Mentor Stipends $ 3,000 Off-Campus Coordinator-$4,000 Seminar Instructor-$3,000
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • Strong Workforce
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • Strengthening Professional Development
  • Meeting California Community Colleges Vision for Success Goals
3 Education, Child and Family Studies 设备 11.000.520.1.130500 56610 $4,800.00 $0.00
Replace faculty laptops 两名教师拥有超过6年的笔记本电脑/台式电脑.
  • Technology Fee
  • Improving Processes: a. Data and Reporting; b. Internal Communications