

住在社会文化研究系, 人类学促进学生成功, 完成和转让, 并寻求创造终身学习者,他们理解和欣赏文化作为人类生活中一个主要因素的重要性.


人类学 is the study of humans worldwide, both in the past and present. 该课程旨在向学生介绍文化作为理解人类行为的核心概念. 人类学的四个子领域(物理学), 考古, 语言学和文化)被用作研究世界不同观点的基础. 人类学专业的学生毕业时对文化和生物多样性以及过去和当代社会的复杂性有了认识. The degree offers preparatory courses for the major core program at CSU Chico, in addition to courses approved for CSU General Education.

人类学课程旨在为学生准备各种令人兴奋的职业生涯, 这可能包括教育, 研究, 医学, 业务, 非营利性和公共服务领域. 举个例子, anthropologists may be employed on international 研究 teams, 比如与疾病控制和预防中心的科学家合作,控制西非的埃博拉疫情. 人类学家也可能被聘为英特尔公司的常驻科学家或美国陆军工程兵团的策展专家. 众多人类学技能, 比如批判性和创造性地思考世界的能力,以及运用研究方法解决问题的能力, 转化为各个就业部门.  

Upon successful 完成 of the 人类学 program, the student will be able to:

1. Identify and discuss major topics relevant to 物理 人类学, including human and primate evolution and variation among hominids.
2. 定义文化,并将这个概念应用于对人类行为的跨文化理解.
3. Examine past cultural systems through analysis of physical cultural remains.
4. 描述和分析人类语言系统以及语言对人类感知世界的影响.

构成AA-T学位的课程也适用于Butte和transfer通识教育. 每学年提供近60个课程, 人类学服务于相当数量的学生,并满足一系列重要的通识教育和转学要求. Most 人类学 courses are dedicated to understanding culture process. One course, ANTH 2 物理 人类学, focuses on physical/natural phenomena.

该学科有一名专职教师. Between 2015-2017, 2 full-time faculty retired from the discipline. Eight associate faculty teach in the current semester; 79% of sections offered in 人类学 are taught by associate faculty. 

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes (Optional)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (Instruction Departments) (Optional)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments) (Optional)





人类学 completed its most recent Program Review in July 2015. 验证团队提供了12条建议. Due to the recency of the last Program Review and the lack of full-time leadership, there has been limited progress on meeting the Recommendations. Below is an abbreviated version of the Recommendations, with comments.

  1. 在该学科额外聘用两名全职教员(一名作为替代聘用). One hire should be a 文化 Anthropologist, the other a 物理 Anthropologist. *** Melissa Artstein-McNassar joined the program in the Spring 2017 semester, 作为迈克·芬德利的全职替补. The Program Review Recommendation called for a second full-time hire, 虽然, which should have brought the number of full-time instructors in the program to 3. 2017年春末, 然而, 另一位退休教师(Ayse Taskiran)将该项目缩减到只有一名全职教师. 在2017年秋季的优先排序过程中,Taskiran的替代招聘未获批准. 因此, 我们现在只有一名全职教员, rather than the 3 total recommended by the Validation Team.
  2. Ensure compliance with associate faculty evaluation timelines. *** 地区院长为协助系主任按时完成副教员评估的全职教员提供每次评估150美元的津贴. 然而, because our one full-time faculty in ANTH is only in her first year, 在不久的将来达到合规是不可能的. The department chair will continue to work toward meeting this Recommendation.
  3. 通过增加助理教师的参与,加强全面的SLO/PLO/GELO分析和报告. *** 仍有待解决.
  4. 与其他社会科学和相关科学学科的教师进行合作活动. *** 仍有待解决. While important, right now this is a lower priority for the program.
  5. 保持课程设置的广度, especially ANTH 14 and 33 (at risk due to Mike Findlay's retirement). *** 以前, 我们之所以能够开设这两门课程,是因为迈克·芬德利在退休后成为了一名副教授. 然而,迈克现在已经完全从教学中退休了. The prospect for continuing to offer these two courses long-term is uncertain.
  6. 鼓励政府批准/采用考古藏品的政策和程序. *** 仍有待解决.
  7. 加强与奇科州立大学的关系. *** 仍有待解决.
  8. 为学生提供课堂以外的学习机会(实地考察), 奇科州立大学, 学生社团活动, 等.) *** 仍有待解决.
  9. 较低的 教学 caps in 人类学 courses to encourage the use of more student-centered instructions. *** 仍有待解决. 这将是理想的,但可能是极其困难的,如果不是不可能实现. 目前,这个项目的优先级较低.
  10. Increase the program budget for travel and conference, and media and databases. *** The ANTH program is seeking additional funds in 2019-2020 for travel and conference. 只有一名全职教师来监督课程和SLO评估,涵盖4个不同的子领域(文化, 物理, 考古学, 语言学), it is essential that her connections and knowledge is varied.
  11. 倡导专业发展,改变目前个人活动合同的弹性时间限制为50%(院长批准75%)的政策. *** 仍有待解决. 目前,这个项目的优先级较低.
  12. Explore the viability of a multidisciplinary Certificate in Museum Studies. *** Not a priority, as this is not feasible to implement with current faculty.


  1. 为选择人类学专业的学生提供指导和支持.
  2. Identify root causes of 人类学's lower than average course success rate or, 至少排除可能的原因. 这将帮助我们找到补救措施,并朝着达到大学标准的方向取得进展.
  3. 通过重建深度评估时间表,加强全面的SLO/PLO/GELO分析和报告, and by increasing associate faculty participation in 评估 activities and dialogue.
  4. 审查和修改ANTH项目的课程.


策略1 -项目推广

  • 在Canvas中建立一个人类学专业的“课程”.
  • Outreach to potential 人类学 majors unaware that we offer a degree, including 完成 of a custom brochure and/or short promotional video.
  • Host a department (ANTH, GEOG, HIST, POS) transfer/career fair in each Fall semester.
  • Organize one outside-the-classroom 人类学 activity in each Spring semester. 例子包括实地考察, group attendance at a lecture offered through Chico State's 人类学 Forum, 模拟野外开挖.

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


最大化学生的成功, 完成, ANTH项目必须在项目学习成果方面得到深思熟虑的管理, 支持的课程, 以及课程安排. Students must also be made aware of the existence of the degree, 转移后的潜在利益, 的职业前景, 以及如何最好地完成这个项目.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports 满足学生成就的标准和目标: Yes
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes


系主任将组织一次人类学教师会议,由一名机构研究人员审查和分析学生的成功数据, 包括股票数据. From the discussion, next steps, strategies and a timeline will be developed.


  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


Student success in 人类学 courses is lower than the college standard of 70%. 2014-2016年ANTH的成功率为63%.3%, 62.4%和63%.7%. Before any meaningful attempt can be made to improve course success rates, more information is needed on the root causes of 人类学's lower rate.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports 满足学生成就的标准和目标: Yes
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes


系主任将促成学期SLO会议(在第八周之前)——给出当前流程的完整概述, 分享该学科迄今为止完成的SLO工作, 提供教师参与指导表, and soliciting suggestions for making the work meaningful. 本次会议的一个有形成果将是更新的项目深度评估时间表/策略.

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


在最近的研究所之夜会议上, 人类学副教授表示,他们普遍不了解评估时间表,也不了解slo的用途,而只是作为一个复选框. 另外, 项目审查建议要求通过增加副教授的参与来加强项目的SLO工作.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes
Supports 满足学生成就的标准和目标: Yes
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: Yes
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes

策略4 -检讨和更新ANTH课程


  1. 给体质人类学增加一个实验室部分.
  2. 开设医学人类学新课程.
  3. Revise or delete courses that have not been offered in some time.

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


The ANTH program curriculum needs an overhaul in light of recent changes, including 2 full-time faculty retirements and the hiring of Melissa Artstein-McNassar. 进一步, 需要做出改变,使课程设置更好地与C-ID和科罗拉多州立大学/加州大学的项目保持一致.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes
Supports 满足学生成就的标准和目标: Yes
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: Yes
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes



  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


Melissa Artstein-McNassar joined the program in the Spring 2017 semester, 作为迈克·芬德利的全职替补. The Program Review Recommendation called for a second full-time hire, 虽然, which should have brought the number of full-time instructors in the program to 3. 2017年春末, 然而, 另一位退休教师(Ayse Taskiran)将该项目缩减到只有一名全职教师. 在2017年秋季的优先排序过程中,Taskiran的替代招聘未获批准. 因此, 我们现在只有一名全职教员, rather than the 3 total recommended by the Validation Team.

人类学是一门需要足够的全职教师来维持基本运作和达到学生学习的课程, 成功和完成目标. 虽然人类学是一门单一学科, the core program of study for transfer includes four fields: 物理, 文化, 文化语言学, 和考古学. 一个全职教师提供足够的课程支持是非常困难的, 评估, 建议, 拓展和增长)在所有四个领域. 最后, 低课程成功率和大量专业都需要积极主动的全职领导.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes
Supports 满足学生成就的标准和目标: Yes
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: Yes
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes



皇冠新现金网普通基金是人类学学科的唯一财政支持来源. 年度预算拨款为1618美元.00.


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 ANTH, SCS, Monlux 人员 $0.00 $114,000.00
聘请全职教师 Melissa Artstein-McNassar joined the program in the Spring 2017 semester, 作为迈克·芬德利的全职替补. The Program Review Recommendation called for a second full-time hire, 虽然, which should have brought the number of full-time instructors in the program to 3. 2017年春末, 然而, 另一位退休教师(Ayse Taskiran)将该项目缩减到只有一名全职教师. 在2017年秋季的优先排序过程中,Taskiran的替代招聘未获批准. 因此, 我们现在只有一名全职教员, rather than the 3 total recommended by the Validation Team. 人类学是一门需要足够的全职教师来维持基本运作和达到学生学习的课程, 成功和完成目标. 虽然人类学是一门单一学科, the core program of study for transfer includes four fields: 物理, 文化, 文化语言学, 和考古学. 一个全职教师提供足够的课程支持是非常困难的, 评估, 建议, 拓展和增长)在所有四个领域. 最后, 低课程成功率和大量专业都需要积极主动的全职领导. 最后, 低课程成功率和大量专业都需要积极主动的全职领导.
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 解决方案审查建议
  • Implementing improvements identified during Outcomes Assessment
  • Implementing the 2019-2020 Strategic Direction Priorities
  • 实施引导路径:a. Strategic Scheduling; b. 霍布森海星
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 完成现金娱乐网注册目标
  • 达到学生成绩目标
  • 培育包容文化
2 人类学(尖刺外壳) 营业费用 $2,500.00 $0.00
旅游和会议 The ANTH program is seeking additional funds in 2019-2020 for travel and conference. 只有一名全职教师来监督课程和SLO评估,涵盖4个不同的子领域(文化, 物理, 考古学, 语言学), it is essential that her connections and knowledge is varied.
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 解决方案审查建议
  • Implementing improvements identified during Outcomes Assessment
  • Implementing the 2019-2020 Strategic Direction Priorities
  • 实施引导路径:a. Strategic Scheduling; b. 霍布森海星
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 达到学生成绩目标
  • 培育包容文化
  • 加强专业发展
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