

The Butte College Makerspace was created to offer students the opportunity to gain valuable skills in making, using multiple equipment and software applications.


The Makerspace was created with a CCCMaker, State of California $500k grant over two years. The makerspace includes equipment that allows students to design and fabricate products and projects from multiple disciplines across campus. Students learn valuable skills in making, managing projects, and entrepreneurship.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items


Equipment from the $500k CCCMaker grant.

数额: 500000.00
用于预定目的: 是的

Allowed the college to create a fully operational makerspace for students to access from all disciplines across campus.


Equipment and materials from 强大的劳动力 funding

数额: 40000.00
用于预定目的: 是的

The materials and equipment benefits students across campus and was instrumental in building the makerspace.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes (Optional)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (Instruction Departments) (Optional)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments) (Optional)


Strategic Direction (Optional)





Build enrollment for FTE through registration in the makerspace.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Build enrollment for FTE through registration in the makerspace.

For every hour that a student uses the makerspace, the school receives funding allocation.

  • 建模的可持续性
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness


The first semester the makerspace registered 255 students, and these students logged 950 hours, 赚了3美元,学校600. This secodn semester, we registered 255 students in the firt two weeks of school.

支持的理由 Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: 是的
Improving Student Achievement: 是的
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources



In 2019, and 2020 we have been allocated California 强大的劳动力 funding.


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 Potential Alternative Funding Sources 优先级标准
1 MSP / Makerspace 人员 11-000-611-1-100700 52210 $0.00 $60,000.00
Makerspace导演 关注学生的成功, the makerspace Director is a critical position to move the makerspace into the future with ongoing outreach to the Campus Community and to the community at large. A basic technician is needed to educate and assist students in the successful, safe use of makerspace tools and equipment so they are prepared to enter specific industries for employment, but a full-time Director is needed to help maintain budgets, research and develop additional funding sources, and create a Space that can be sustainable in the future. (We either need a FT Director, or a Faculty member who can be given release time of up to 40% and a $10k a year stipend (no less than 30% Release) to manage all of the duties required by a Director)
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • 强大的劳动力
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • 完成现金娱乐网注册目标
  • Meeting student achievement goals
  • Strengthening Professional Development
2 MSP / Makerspace 营业费用 11-000-611-1-100700 55820 $3,000.00 $0.00
市场营销与广告 重视学习文化, Focus on outreach to campus community, local high schools for enrollment, and the local community to build enrollment in the makerspace, and within the makerspace classes.
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • 强大的劳动力
  • Implementing the 2019-2020 Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • 完成现金娱乐网注册目标
  • Meeting student achievement goals
3 MSP / Makerspace 营业费用 11-000-611-1-100700 55000 $10,000.00 $0.00
Materials for makerspace equipment and maintenance funds 每年, the Makerspace needs ongoing funding to purchase materials for equipment, 比如3D打印材料, 激光切割材料, t恤, 和墨水. This funding will also be used for maintaining equipment.
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • 教学设备
  • 强大的劳动力
  • Student Equity and Achievement Program
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • 完成现金娱乐网注册目标
  • Meeting student achievement goals
4 MSP / Makerspace 人员 11-000-611-1-100700 51240 $0.00 $40,000.00
Makerspace技术员 The Makerspace needs a full-time makerspace technician, to help manage and train student assistants from FWS and EOPS-FWS, work with the Director or FT Faculty manager, and to continue updating and repairing the $300k worth of equipment within the space. This individual is needed along with a Director or Faculty manager.
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • 强大的劳动力
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • 完成现金娱乐网注册目标
  • Meeting student achievement goals
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
5 人员 11-000-512-1-160100 512-1-1601 $0.00 $22,550.00
6 Student Assistants at 15hrs per week Student assistants are the backbone of the Create Space makerspace. Our student assistants are able to gain valuable skills in using and managing the equipment in the lab, and are also extremely valuable in helping train and assist other students who come into the makerspace and need help with projects. We currently have six assistants and could use several more, but I feel six is a good number to be able to cover the hours the Space is open during the week. We have both EOPS WS and Federal WS students.
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • 强大的劳动力
  • Student Equity and Achievement Program
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 完成现金娱乐网注册目标
  • Meeting student achievement goals
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
  • Strengthening Professional Development