2018-19 Unit Plan

Mission Statement

To increase access, 保留和完成那些在经济和教育上处于不利地位的学生.

Program Description

The EOPS & CARE项目提供的服务旨在满足€œlanguage残疾学生的教育需求, 通过提供侧重于获取的服务而在社会和经济方面处于不利地位, retention and transition support programs.

A.  管理服务组件,包括程序管理和支持功能, 管理信息和评价功能以及项目资格确定功能.
B.  Outreach, Orientation, 和注册组件,包括招聘功能和服务,如EOPS项目导向, priority registration assistance, etc.
C.  教学发展和服务组件,包括课程和课程开发, tutoring, and a book service program.
D.  Counseling Services Component that includes academic, transfer, career/vocational and personal counseling, testing/assessment services, academic progress monitoring, and peer advisor services.
E.  特殊活动组件,包括儿童保育功能, 与学校及社区机构协调/联络, support of cultural enrichment activities, and academic recognition.
F.  Direct Aid Service Component that includes grant, loan, work study, and financial aid coordination functions.
G.  员工发展和培训部分,包括项目员工发展和学院在职功能

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes






Strategic Direction


Program Review

根据学生的需求和建议,代表项目审查小组增加在奇科中心的时间, math tutoring was added in 2014-15.  In 2015-16, 授课时间增加了,指派给EOPS POWER Center的教学助理在CHC提供数学辅导.

Department Goals

在2018-19年,该部门将专注于顺利过渡,主任和四名全职顾问中的一名也一直担任项目协调员的角色.  In addition to this transition focus, 该部门还将努力通过改进技术和物理空间来提高效率.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Part-time Counselor


  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes



  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

这个职位占EOPS全职咨询人员的25%.  允许我们填补这个职位对项目的完整性至关重要. EOPS有足够的资金来支付这个职位,不需要额外的资金.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Strategy 3 - Conference Room Technology


  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

EOPS会议室被许多团体用于电话会议和培训.  自从我们搬进这栋楼以来,那个房间的技术就没有升级过,使用起来很麻烦.  该技术没有音频,因此必须使用墙上的扬声器电话,这使得在培训和演示期间很难听到和响应. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Strategy 4 - Dual Monitors

Dual monitors for staff.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Strategy 5 - Adjustable Desk Tops


  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

两名前台工作人员尝试了一些更小的选择,比如把电脑抬起来.  这是无效的,因为他们需要能够访问许多不适合当前设备的工具.  这会导致侧弯动作,可能会导致背部拉伤.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Strategy 6 - Replace Staff Chairs

Replace old chairs for four staff members.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

工作人员椅子出现故障和/或由于椅子老化而不再舒适.  这是原始设备,由于健康和安全原因不再适用.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources

Current Financial Resources

 2017-18 Funding 

EOPS         $1,352,033

CARE         $   351,177

District       $   223,165


Total          $1,926,375

*As defined by the CCCCO, a minimum of $127,我们州拨款的813美元必须用于满足该计划所要求的图书支持部分.

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 EOPS Personnel $55,000.00 $0.00
Part time EOPS Counselor 尽管该学院的学生总数正在下降,但EOPS项目的参与人数保持稳定. Effective 2016-17, 我们的一位全职EOPS顾问承担了项目协调员的角色,以满足州的要求. While this position has added great value to the program, 这减少了我们为学生提供的咨询时间. 有一个兼职顾问来填补损失的时间,并提供一点额外的服务,这将使我们保持学生人数,并保证学生将继续按照他们已经习惯的水平得到服务.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
  • 为在线学生和在校外中心就读的学生提供类似的支持服务
2 EOPS Equipment $12,000.00 $0.00
EOPS Conference Room Technology Upgrade 自大楼投入使用以来,会议室的技术一直没有升级. 目前的系统很笨重,不包括音频,所以必须使用墙上的扬声器电话,这使得很难听到和回应演示者.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • Implementing the 2018-2019 Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Maintaining life-cycle replacement for computer labs, smart classrooms, and faculty and staff computers
3 EOPS Equipment $4,000.00 $0.00
Adjustable Desk Tops Health and safety as well as better student interaction
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
4 EOPS Equipment $2,000.00 $0.00
Dual Monitors Faculty and staff can serve students more efficiently.
  • Implementing the 2018-2019 Strategic Direction Priorities
5 EOPS Equipment $3,800.00 $0.00
Replace Staff Chairs
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues