2018-19 Unit Plan
Occupational & Life Skills

Mission Statement

为学生提供素质教育及职业训练,使他们具备基本的就业技能, job placement, and career retainment.

Program Description

职业和生活技能(OLS)计划的重点是为学生准备社区综合就业. 这两个不同级别的认证可以通过职业特定认证和毕特学院结业证书获得. 成功完成课程的学生将通过这些认证向潜在雇主提供能力证明. 这个508小时的证书课程要求成功完成OLS序列中的7门课程.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1


Amount: 0.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

The outcomes are based off the course objectives. While many students were successful in meeting the objectives, 大约三分之一的学生必须重修课程以提高技能.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)

2017年秋季学期是职业和生活技能证书课程开设的第一学期, so there has not yet been any certificates awarded.



Strategic Direction

1. Culture of Completion and Academic Success

A. 该项目提供两种认证:一种是特定职业认证,另一种是Butte认证


B. 该项目支持校长的“引导路径”倡议.

C. 策略性安排课程,以满足完成时间目标,学生和机构的时间表.

2. Supporting Student, Faculty, and Staff Success

A. 教学方法和教材适用于各种能力水平的学生

    focus on employable skill sets.

B. 第一学期,副教师接受项目协调员的指导.

C. Faculty attend professional development activities.

D. 教师在学生计划文件和课程实施方面密切合作.

3. Using Data-informed Processes for Continuous Improvement

A. 学生学习成果评估提供数据,协助教师

    modifying content and inproving student achievement scores.

4. Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

A. Instructors have been introduced to Canvas. They are exploring the utility of the program.

B. 根据学生的能力水平,为第一学期的学生购置了教科书


5. Modeling Sustainability

A. OLS 330规定在某一特定领域完成100小时的社区工作


B. 可持续性认证的两个领域包括温室和苗圃操作以及灌溉.

 6. Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

A. OLS课程是为三个弱势群体设计的


B. OLS计划为学生在社区工作做好准备,有可能

     getting a job.

C. OLS项目的工作人员将与社区内的企业合作

     students but also educate them about the program.




Program Review


Department Goals

1. Increase enrollment 

   A. 正在探索双现金娱乐网注册和并行现金娱乐网注册.

2. 市场营销-征求当地机构和组织安置有前途的学生.

3. New training series course offerings

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Increase enrollments

职业和生活技能项目是一个新项目,很多人都不知道它. Efforts for discussing the program with employment agencies, high schools, libraries, parole facilities, 已经建立了文化中心,以提高对该计划的认识.

目前正在探索高中现金娱乐网注册方案. 学生可以在高中毕业前完成证书课程.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - New training Series course offerings


The first three of the following courses have been approved. The last three are at the end of the approval process. 这些课程的目的是提供比特殊教育306更有针对性的培训. 高中学生和其他参加代理合作项目的人将能够在教学服务协议讲师的指导下学习这些课程..


OLS 350 Product Assembly/Light Manufacturing

OLS 351 Industrial Woodworking

OLS 352 Janitorial Services

OLS 353 Landscaping Services

OLS 354 Commercial Sewing

OLS 355 Recycle Services


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

目前SPE 306课程包括OLS 350-355课程的所有领域, is outdated, and does not allow for training in the specific areas. 在OLS 350-355课程中,学生将得到更好的就业培训.


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Strategy 3 - Marketing the Occupational and Life Skills Program


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Businesses are currently not aware of the OLS Program. 为了安置学生,建立工作关系将促进学生安置.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources

Surplus furniture: More office chairs on rollers

Additional classroom space as more OLS classes are scheduled.

Current Financial Resources


Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Occupational and Life Skills Program Operating Expenses New budget code $0.00 $15,000.00
为职业和生活技能计划制定运营预算. 需要一个运营预算来营销项目、购买材料、增加现金娱乐网注册、旅行等.
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Implementing the 2018-2019 Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • 实施结果评估期间确定的改进措施
  • 实施引导路径模型,使职业和转移路径清晰, easy to navigate, tailored to meet labor market needs, and promotes success after transfer
  • Aligning the instructional schedule with Guided Pathways
  • 继续实施学习成果(课程、项目、通识教育、 行政及学生服务),包括按学生分类的资料 characteristics
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
  • 利用数据、研究和协作努力开发并保持适当 项目和途径为基础的课程设置,地点和方式