

学生成功委员会是学术参议院的一个常设委员会. “学生成功委员会将进行研究, 评估, 并就员工发展向参议院提出建议, 教学实践, 以及与学生成功相关的资源分配, 包括基本技能发展, 学生的学习, 以及相关的州或国家倡议. 关于组织和行政做法的建议, 程序组件, and related resource allocations as they pertain to student success efforts will be made by the Committee to the institution.“(http://www.孤峰.edu/departments/governance/academicsenate/documents/2011-12/SENATE%20BYLAWS%203.30.2011.pdf)


While the 学生成功委员会 was created from the 基本技能倡议 (BSI) Committee with our Title III grant, 9月30日日落, 2013, the 学生成功委员会 continues to foster innovation and improvement in support of student success 和完成. 目前, the 学生成功委员会 makes recommendations to Leadership regarding appropriate expenditures for Bsi / ssbs (Bsi.0)基金, 并通过学生公平协调校园内与学生成功相关的努力, 学生成功和支持计划(包括学分和非学分), 创新奖, 基本技能学生成绩及转变补助金(“转变补助金”), 导径计划, 以及其他校园项目.




数额: 20214.25
用于预定目的: 是的



Travel Expenses for Professional Development in Support of Student Success initiatives and activities.

数额: 12092.42
用于预定目的: 是的

Allows BSI funds to continue as recommended by the CCCCO to support professional development directly related to implementation or activities supporting effective practices


协调BSI资金流管理和报告, 以及学生成功委员会的活动和倡议.

数额: 24443.90
用于预定目的: 是的

Needed to coordinate the 学生成功委员会's efforts and to meet CCCCO reporting requirements for BSI.






学生成功委员会支持1)基本技能课程成功, 2)发育序列完成, 3)完成转学水平的数学和英语 through nurturing innovation and adoption of best practices in Basic Skills program delivery.


The 学生成功委员会 has been supporting the college through its facilitation of several 战略方向s and Priorities as follows:

策略1.a.2, Providing the appropriate mix of high-tech and high-touch services: The committee has approved and overseen implementation of a prototype Proactive Registration program for students in pre-转移-level classes in hopes of increasing 保留, 完成, 以及学生们在课堂上的坚持. 有关结果的数据有待分析.

策略1.c.2, ...effectively onboarding developmental students: The committee has been making onboarding students its topical focus for the 2017-2018 academic year. Activities have included real-time and simulated experiences of aspects of the onboarding process from the student's perspective. 应学生服务处的要求, the committee is helping to improve onboarding processes by providing feedback to Student Services about current procedures.

策略1.d.5, 支持教师帮助学生进步:在委员会的主持下, the Student Success Coordinator has also facilitated communications with faculty regarding NetTutor, CAS西班牙语辅导, 以及教师可能引导学生使用的其他资源.

策略2.b, Employee Development: The committee embeds relevant professional development in its meetings, 以及协调, 合作, and funding professional development opportunities on and off campus in Basic Skills-related arenas.





1. 支持英语, 引领, 数学, 阅读, and ESL programs in developing "on-ramping" and embedded supports and services for integrating pre-转移-level students into pathways under 导径计划.

2. Improve and expand to outlying centers the Proactive Registration program for pre-转移-level students to facilitate their 保留, 完成, 和毅力.

3. 继续发展综合规划程序, 文档, 以及学生权益之间的沟通, SSSP, 转换, BSI /下面, 创新, 以及校园内的其他资金流.

4. 整合、扩展和计划转型资助计划的可持续性.

5. 继续支持ESL课程的有效性和发展.



作为众多任务的领导委员会 巴特大学进步和完成模式, 指导努力支持学生成功入学, progress, 和完成, 如文件所述. 管理与校园社区的沟通,以支持这些努力.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功


Effective coordination among 各种各样的 funding streams facilitated through the 学生成功委员会 maximizes efficient use of resources, reducing duplication of efforts and distributing resources more equitably among student populations with demonstrated needs.


策略2 -支持校园学生成功/ BSI项目

Support initiatives and/or activities that are recommended by the 学生成功委员会 from:

1. 由委员会成员发起

2. 由委员会在每月会议上发展

3. 非会员向委员会提交的提案 

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进



"关于组织和行政做法的建议, 程序组件, and related resource allocations as they pertain to student success efforts will be made by the Committee to the institution.” Having funding to support such recommendations allows the college to move forward approved initiatives.




  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


Specific training is being offered by 3CSN for specific effective practices on an ongoing basis. Other valuable training is available via conferences such as the Strengthening Student Success Conference (RP Group), 从中间引导, 和特定专业组织(CRLA), ACTLA, 纳德, SI, 呸!咄!, TESOL, ASCCC, 卡内基基金会, 等.). This strategy supports efforts of the 学生成功委员会 to identify effective practices, 改进程序, 并与州内的同事建立联系,支持CCCCO, BSI, 学生权益, SSSP, 和SSTF的建议.





Bsi / ssbs (Bsi.0)资金可以覆盖2018-19年目前预计的所有成本. Note that the prior 基本技能倡议 program terminated at the end of the 2017-18 fiscal year, and has been succeeded by the incoming Student Success and Basic Skills program (commonly referred to as BSI 2.0), which incorporates a new allocation formula and revised (less restrictive) expenditure guidelines. 这一变化导致2017-18年度拨款从108美元大幅增加, 637 to $319,162, 但新方案下的长期融资前景尚不明朗, 为人事等持续成本制定计划是非常具有挑战性的.



最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 学生成功委员会支持的措施 各种各样的 $0.00 $45,000.00
资助实施建议的学生成功措施 需要支持学生成功委员会的使命和目标.
  • 基本技能倡议
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 落实2018-2019年战略方向重点
  • Providing comparable support services for online students and students attending at off-campus centers
2 学生成功委员会-专业发展 营业费用 12.212.600.1.499900 55200 $0.00 $15,000.00
Travel Expenses for Professional Development in Support of Student Success initiatives and activities. Allows BSI funds to continue as recommended by the CCCCO to support professional development directly related to implementation or activities supporting effective practices.
  • 基本技能倡议
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
  • 实施引导路径模型,使职业和转移路径清晰, 易于导航, 量身定制,以满足劳动力市场的需求, 并促进转移后的成功
  • 赋予多元化委员会权力并使之制度化 就业机会咨询委员会和学生公平委员会.
  • 落实2018-2019年战略方向重点
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
3 学生成功委员会-协调 人员 12.212.600.1.499900 $0.00 $52,000.00
协调BSI资金流管理和报告, 以及学生成功委员会的活动和倡议. Needed to coordinate the 学生成功委员会's efforts and to meet CCCCO reporting requirements for BSI. Note that the increase from the prior year reflects the expectation that the BSI coordinator's work will be funded entirely out of BSI, 不与创新共享.
  • 基本技能倡议
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 落实2018-2019年战略方向重点
4 学生成功委员会-行政 人员 12.212.600.1.499900 $0.00 $6,000.00
行政支持、物资等. 参加学生成功委员会和BSI活动. Needed to support the 学生成功委员会's activities and other Basic Skills-related events.
  • 基本技能倡议
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
  • 落实2018-2019年战略方向重点
5 ESL学生成功专家 人员 12.212.600.1.499900 51290 $0.00 $55,005.00
ESL学生成功专家 以BSSOT下有希望的实践为基础, the committee is recommending that a bilingual (Spanish/English) Student Success Specialist be hired and funded out of BSI to provide embedded support specific to the needs of ESL students in our non-credit and CTE (ECE bilingual) programs. 这些学生长期以来一直得不到学校应有的服务, 从它们较低的非信贷对信贷和证书到学位的过桥率就可以看出. The ESL Facilitator reports that ESL faculty and students also note repeatedly the need for increased access to student services (which are generally supported during business hours on main campus, while most ESL classes occur in the evenings at the outlying centers): a primary responsibility of a Student Success Specialist. 这个职位的另一个职责, 协助外联工作, 也会带来更多目前没有被皇冠新现金网的学生吗, 增加注册. (10个月,100%,CSEA范围25,第一步,工资35,503美元+福利19,526美元)
  • 基本技能倡议
  • 落实2018-2019年战略方向重点
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 通过使用多种措施和共同评估,适当地安排学生 有效地让发展型学生进入路径
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
  • Providing comparable support services for online students and students attending at off-campus centers
  • Practicing strategic enrollment management that integrates financial planning with student need and achievement
  • 招募、雇用和留住多元化的员工队伍
  • 赋予多元化委员会权力并使之制度化 就业机会咨询委员会和学生公平委员会.