2016-17 Unit Plan
Vice President of 学生服务

Mission Statement

学生服务部肩负学院的教育使命,促进学生在课堂上取得成功,实现他们的教育和职业目标. To accomplish this goal, 学生服务’ programs provide essential and comprehensive services for student outreach, 保留, 和过渡. 

Program 描述


Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

Title IX Training and Consulting

数额: 55000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: 是的

在2015-2016学年,第九条资金被用于培训和留住第九条管理人员, Campus Police officers, 和其他关键人员在与第九条和VAWA相关的最佳实践和合规要求方面的最新信息. 负责学生服务的副校长办公室目前正在为所有学生和学院人员研究互动式和参与式的第九条和VAWA在线培训. This funding will be used to purchase an online training program once identified. Finally, Title IX funding was used to pay for a campus climate survey that was given in Fall 2015.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

学生学习成果(SLO):来到学生服务副校长办公室的学生会感受到他们的担忧, 问题, or problems are acknowledged and that appropriate support, 行动, or direction is provided.

The assessment tool that will be used to evaluate the above SLO is a "posttest" survey. After students have received a service provided by the Vice President for 学生服务 Office, they will be asked to complete an anonymous survey. Spring 2016 is the first term the survey will be offered to students to complete. This will establish our baseline data.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

负责学生服务的副校长办公室通过协调支持学院达到学生成绩标准, providing direction, and supporting all 学生服务 Programs in order to increase student course completion, 持久性, degree and certificate completion, and transfer rates to other institutions of higher education.

Strategic Direction

负责学生服务的副校长办公室通过协调和指导学院的学生服务项目来支持学院的战略方向和优先事项. The Vice President for 学生服务 Office is in charge of ensuring compliance with Title IX and VAWA. Our office helps to maintain a safe learning environment for all students and staff. Commencement is facilitated via this office.

Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement

Vice President for 学生服务 Office provides support and direction to 学生服务 programs.

学术荣誉——每学期皇冠新现金网都会表彰那些表现出高水平学习成绩的学生. 负责学生服务办公室的副校长在每个小学学期都会给每位达到这一高水平表现的学生发送信件和证书.

Potential Graduates - Each year, at the beginning of February, 负责学生服务办公室的副校长会给在学院修满60个学分并有资格获得副学士学位的学生发送电子邮件和短信. 该沟通鼓励学生与辅导员会面,评估他们的成绩单并完成毕业申请, 如果合适的话, or to help them plan for completion of a degree.

毕业典礼——负责学生服务办公室的副校长负责一年一度的学院毕业典礼. All communication to graduates and graduate candidates is communicated through this office.

Supporting Student, Faculty, and Staff Success

Vice President for 学生服务 Office provides support and direction to 学生服务 programs.

The Vice President has weekly meetings with his Leadership Team to keep abreast of department 问题, 担忧, 和需要.

The Vice President has monthly meetings with his Management Team to keep abreast of department 问题, 需要, 改进, 新服务, 等.


Using Data-Informed Process for Continuous Improvement

Vice President for 学生服务 Office provides support and direction to 学生服务 programs.

Collaborate with office team members to review and assess our Student Learning Outcomes.

2016年春季学期是学生服务办公室副主任通过匿名调查收集学生反馈的第一学期. The feedback will be reviewed to help our office improve its services.

Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Vice President for 学生服务 Office provides support and direction to 学生服务 programs.

Continually look for opportunities to improve services.


Modeling Sustainability

Vice President for 学生服务 Office provides support and direction to 学生服务 programs.

负责学生服务办公室的副校长不断寻找更有效的沟通方式,并以学生最喜欢的方式进行沟通. 目前, 通过电子邮件和文本向学生发送选择性的信息,而不是普通的邮件——试用期/解雇和潜在的毕业生通知.

Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Vice President for 学生服务 Office provides support and direction to 学生服务 programs.

The Vice President for 学生服务 has an open door policy, and he is always willing to speak or meet with students and staff who request it.

The Vice President for 学生服务 participates on a wide variety of College committees.

The Vice President for 学生服务 meets with his Leadership and Management Teams on a regular basis.






根据我们在2016年春季学期(基准年)结束时进行的SLO后测调查所收集的数据, 我们将评估结果,并根据需要做出改变,以改善我们在学生服务副校长办公室为学生提供的服务.



Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Provide Consistent Support and Direction for All 学生服务 Departments


  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

负责学生服务的副校长与他的领导和管理团队定期会面,以确定和解决问题和关切, help guide and provide support, keep team members up to date on new legislation and District priorities and/or challenges.



Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - Customer Service



  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

To help ensure students are as successful as they can be, the Vice President for 学生服务 Office will do the following.

  • 参加专业发展培训,教育员工了解客户服务的最佳实践.
  • 分析学生学习成果评估-测试后调查-并利用这些信息来改善所提供的服务.
  • Continue to build and maintain relationships with 学生服务' departments.
  • Provide an annual online subscription service to students, 父母, 顾问, 教师, 还有工作人员,这样他们就可以查看世界各地高等教育机构的大学目录和简介.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: 是的

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources


Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 One Time Augment 持续的增加
描述 Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 学生服务 Operating Expenses 11.099.700.1.645000 55890 $55,000.00 $0.00
Title IX Training and Consulting
  • Resolving health, life, and safety 问题
  • 在实施学生学习成果方面达到持续不断的质素改善水平
  • Providing effective electronically mediated communication (e.g. website, social media, marketing materials, wifi access)
2 学生服务 Operating Expenses 11.000.700.1.645000 55630 $0.00 $2,000.00
College Source Online Subscription Annual CSO subscription cost has risen over the past two years. This increase will allow us to continue utilizing this valuable resource. The CSO subscription allows students, 父母, 顾问, 教师, 大学管理人员可以查看世界各地高等教育机构的大学目录和简介.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • Providing effective electronically mediated communication (e.g. website, social media, marketing materials, wifi access)
  • Placing students appropriately, advising them effectively, and ensuring that they have educational plans